Welcome to the age of Big Health Data! Will it be a Cure or a Curse?

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The New York Times Building 37th Floor, 620 Eighth Avenue
NY 10018
New York
June 2019
June 2019

Welcome to the age of Big Health Data! Will it be a Cure or a Curse?

The promise of “precision medicine” is within reach due to new uses for voluminous electronic medical data and the expanding role of artificial intelligence. Rapid developments in technology are numerous and health law is struggling to keep pace with medical inventions and innovations: genetic engineering, stem cell therapy and other developments in biotechnology are promising prevention and cure for diseases that have long plagued the world. The latest pharmaceuticals have imbedded diagnostic chips that can communicate intimate personal data once ingested by the patient. Advancements in medical devices and smartphone apps herald a new era in consumerism never before seen in health care.

These quickly evolving changes are significantly impacting the practice of health law. How can traditional health care law deal with these cutting edge issues? And at what price do these advancements come? Will the rise of the digital patient cause the demise of privacy? Join us as we explore identify legal gaps and questions created by these changes. Using current laws and recent enactments as a baseline, speakers will delve into legal, ethical, insurance and operational business challenges that health care faces and explain what health law attorneys need to know to best counsel their clients.

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