14th UIA Annual Business Law Forum

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
Budapest Bar Association
Szalay u. 7.
juin 2023
juin 2023

Forum presented by the UIA with the support of the Budapest Bar Association

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14th Annual Business Law Forum:

Family Businesses in the XXIth century - a Different Approach of Company Governance?

“Family businesses are under threat from both sides, family as well as business” - Rajesh Jain

The importance of family businesses is becoming increasingly recognised worldwide, they play a key role in todays economy. Nevertheless, the evolution of family businesses cannot be set apart from the evolution of the economic, social and legal environment where the business operates. The notion of “family” also varies from culture to culture and for each different time in history.

It is essential for lawyers working with family-owned businesses to understand the special characteristics of these enterprises. Family businesses are complex structures, advising their establishment, governance, transfer and inheritance is a challenge for the lawyers; it requires comprehensive knowledge of different field of laws and skills in other sciences like psychology could be extremely useful, too.

Legal practitioners from all around the world will share their experience about family businesses at the UIA 14th Annual Business Law Forum and will discuss the best practices in different jurisdictions – an event not to miss!

We look forward to seeing you in Budapest!

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