​Science & Law: International Law Answers to Scientists' Current Challenges

Organisé par
Molo (Pier) IV
Agorà Room
Trieste, Italy
septembre 2021
septembre 2021

Science & Law: International Law Answers to Scientists' Current Challenges

Hybrid Seminar presented by the UIA Transport Law and Private International Law Commissions, with the support of the Ordine degli Avvocati di Trieste (Trieste Bar Association)

After the success of the first edition of the Science & Law Seminar of UIA, held in July 2020, as a Satellite Event of the Trieste EuroScience Open Forum, the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe, UIA has decided to repeat the experience of bringing again together scientists and legal experts to discuss and debate key areas of common interest.

Scientific progress risks being hampered by laws conceived in less scientifically advanced times. The world is changing at an incredibly fast rate and the legal community is struggling to evolve at the same speed. Emerging technologies and scientific discoveries are raising novel legal issues and rapidly transforming both the substance and practice of law in almost every area.

From the challenge that sustainability poses to the shipping industry to gene editing, from climate and environmental change to telemedicine, this seminar, will address the ethical, legal, regulatory, and policy issues that surround the emergence of new technologies and scientific advances.

This UIA hybrid Seminar will take place both in-person in Trieste and with a virtual option through an online platform. Join us physically or virtually!

Those who will choose to attend the seminar by coming to Trieste will have the opportunity to enjoy a city which has long been elected by the international press (Financial Times and New York Times, just to name a few) among the most interesting international tourist destinations, defining it as a unique city in its kind and a fascinating place to go to.

Mark your diaries now, save the date and make sure to register! We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Register online

Registration fees: *Amounts exclusive of VATOnsite or Online

  • UIA MEMBER € 150*
  • NON-MEMBER € 190*
  • Italian participants € 150*

* The VAT (22%) can be applied to the amount stated above according to the European Directive 2006/112/CE of November 28, 2006. If you provide an EU VAT ID number, the VAT will not be charged. For more information, please contact the UIA.

Science & Law: International Law Answers to Scientists' Current Challenges