UIA Capsule - Sanctions on Russia: Status, Impact and Effects

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
9 rue du Quatre-Septembre
janvier 2023

Sanctions on Russia: Status, Impact and Effects

Free of charge – Registration Required

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Economic sanctions have become more relevant than ever. This webinar will give you an update on the status of the sanctions against Russia and guidance on their impact and effects on several important areas, such as commercial contracts, the food industry, the pharmaceutical and medical devices sector, the insurance market and arbitration proceedings. Also, the restrictions of sanctions on the movement of Russian citizens and the use of recreational vessels will be discussed.

Welcome and Opening of the Capsule

Urquiola DE PALACIO DEL VALLE DE LERSUNDI, UIA President, Palacio & Asociados, Madrid, Spain


Veit ÖHLBERGER, Dorda Rechtsanwälte GMBH, Vienna, Austria


Frédérique BANNES, President of the UIA Insurance Law Commission, FB Conseil, France, Paris

Ellen FREEMAN, Ellen Freeman Immigration Law Group, PLLC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Elena GILLIS CINTRANO, Uría Menéndez Abogados, S.L.P., Madrid, Spain

Mariaelena GIORCELLI, President of the UIA International Sale Of Goods Commission, Bortolotti , Mathis & Associati, Turin, Italy

Mareike HEESING, Oppenhoff & Partner, Cologne, Germany

Dirk NUYTS, EY, Zurich, Switzerland

Christoph OERTEL, President of the UIA Contract Law Commission, Brödermann Jahn Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft MBH, Hamburg, Germany

Alberto PASINO, President of the UIA Transport Law (Sea, Land, Air) Commission, Studio Legale Zunarelli E Associati, Trieste, Italy

Eliana SILVA DE MORAES, Silva De Moraes Associes, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Magdalena ZIELINSKA-KUC, WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp. K., Warsaw, Poland

*The registration is free of charge. However, the participants are kindly invited and encouraged to make a voluntary contribution to the UIA (i.e. a contribution of EUR 50, 75, 100, 125 or 150), which serves to support the UIA and to cover costs in relation to the organization of UIA webinars, other online events and seminars. The participants will be offered the possibility to donate as part of the online registration process for the capsule.

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