UIA Seminar - 1st UIA Private International Law Forum

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de las Illes Balears – ICAIB
Ramblas 10
juillet 2024
juillet 2024

UIA Seminar - 1st UIA Private International Law Forum

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The UIA Private International Forum is an annual UIA event where international lawyers meet to learn from each other and network in the thrilling Palma de Mallorca (Spain). In this first edition, the Private International Law and Family Law Commissions team up to invite you to an extraordinary experience, which will make your delight.

In our societies, different family models coexist, reflecting cultural conceptions of the family from all over the world: de facto couples, single-parent families, homosexual and heterosexual marriages, contractual marriages, polygamous marriages, etc. The causes are essentially twofold: (i) the migration to a country of people from cultural, social and legal backgrounds very different from the host country; and (ii) the international dispersal of families as a result of the free movement of persons and the globalisation of businesses.

The challenges for any legal system to provide constitutional and legal protection for all the "family models" that coexist in a given country are growing, and the solutions offered by private international law in family and inheritance matters are limited.

Moreover, there is a great diversity in the regulation of these presumptions in comparative law, and if the laws of the forum do not provide for these situations, the foreign laws that do usually contain "criteria of application in space", so that they are applicable when examined.

Throughout the seminar, we will analyse the different legislative and jurisprudential options regarding these situations, as well as the consequences of their application for the family members.

The working sessions will be held over a day and a half at the premises of the Palma de Mallorca Bar Association. In addition to the academic programme, we will have the opportunity to meet colleagues and friends during the various social events: A welcome cocktail before the seminar and a series of optional social activities starting after lunch on Saturday, including the best Mediterranean cuisine, wine tasting and water activities. Internationally renowned Palma de Mallorca has a magnetic force that will make you come back.

Please be sure to not miss this seminar!

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