UIA Seminar - 32nd UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
The International Dispute Resolution Centre
1 Paternoster Lane
avril 2024
avril 2024

UIA Seminar - 32nd UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres

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The UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres was created in 2001. Every nine months it brings together some of the best commercial mediation practitioners and officers of commercial mediation centres from around the world, together with lawyers, business managers, academics, trainers, and others interested in learning and sharing insights about the development and use of the mediation process. Usually there are participants from 15 to 20 or more countries in attendance, often from four or five continents, each bringing a different perspective on the use and development of mediation in their jurisdiction.

Whether you are from a place in which mediation already is readily accepted and integrated into the system of dispute resolution, or from one in which the “Dispute Resolution Revolution” is still in a yet-to-be-fully-accepted stage, there is something of value for you at the Forum. Each one is designed to enhance your knowledge about the mediation process, and to help you identify best practices as a mediator, both of which are accomplished through the various topics in the sessions, led by deeply-experienced mediators.

Equally, if not more, importantly, it also will provide you with ample opportunities to develop relationships and exchange insights on the development and use of mediation with colleagues from a multitude of different cultures around the world. That opportunity can have a profoundly beneficial impact on your professional expertise. To do so at one location is unique to an international event; and convening every nine months is unique to the Forum.

We are excited to have you join us for the 32nd Forum in London. It will be an unforgettable international event, and colleagues from around the world have already confirmed their participation. Since attendance at the sessions and lunch/dinner meals will be limited to the spaces available, be sure to register early so that you won’t miss out.

We look forward to seeing you in London!

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London Seminar