UIA Seminar - Bridging the Gap between Law and Technology: the Role of Lawyers in AI, Digitalization, and Data Protection

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
University of Novi Sad
Dr Zorana Đinđića 1
Novi Sad
septembre 2024
septembre 2024

UIA Seminar - Bridging the Gap between Law and Technology: the Role of Lawyers in AI, Digitalization, and Data Protection

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Seminar presented by the UIA with the support of the Bar Association of Vojvodina and the University of Novi Sad.

The increasing impact of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, in our daily personal and professional lives, raises new and unique rights and obligations, which quickly come within the purview of the law and the legal profession. It is up to the lawyers to interpret and apply existing laws, as well as to be catalysts for the creation of future legislation, thereby bridging the gap between technical innovations and legal regulation, which must be primarily aimed at preserving the highest standards of human rights.

The responsibility of lawyers in this regard is extremely great, and the success of their work in bridging the gap, in the post- AI world, depends not only on traditional legal knowledge and skills, but also on digital competencies and digital skills. As the implementation of technology, including AI is already beginning to have an impact on all areas of law and regulation, all lawyers, no matter in which legal systems they practice, must commit to acquiring the skills and knowledge for the understanding and use of these technologies, so as to be effective advocates, ensuring that in bridging the gap, human rights are indeed protected.

We look forward to seeing you in Novi Sad!

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Novi Sad Seminar