UIA Seminar - Health Law in Practice: Paving the Way for Justice and Equity

Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo - IASP
Av. Paulista, 1294 – 19th floor
CEP 01310-100
Sao Paulo
juin 2024
juin 2024

UIA Seminar - Health Law in Practice: Paving the Way for Justice and Equity

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Join us for a groundbreaking event in the heart of Brazil - São Paulo - as we bring together legal minds from around the world to address key issues in the field of Health Law. Brazil boasts the largest bar association globally, with over 3,600,000 lawyers. The demand for legal representation in healthcare cases has surged by 130% in the last decade, averaging around 400,000 cases annually. Are we heading towards health litigation becoming the norm? What role should lawyers play in healthcare matters?

We will be addressing topics of utmost importance related to the healthcare sector, including but not limited to the judicialization of healthcare, artificial intelligence in health, environmental impacts on public health, labor rights in healthcare, intellectual property in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, international perspectives on healthcare law and how to protect lawyers health. This seminar serves as a platform for global legal minds to delve into these essential issues.

Key topics to be discussed:- Healthcare Judicialization: Is there an emerging trend?- The Lawyer's Role in Health Issues: Advocacy and Legal Solutions- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Boundaries, Duties, and Liabilities- Health Regulators: Who Regulates Them?- Environmental Impacts on Public Health- Labour Rights health impact- Contracts and Mediation in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry- Intellectual Property Protection and the Challenges in Developing Countries- Health Law Priorities in Family Law- Agri-food major issues in Health Law- Animal Law and Biodiversity Protection- International Paradigms and Fundamental Aspects of Health Law in Latin America- How to protect Lawyers and Jurists: Financial Planning for a Secure Retirement- Global Bar Associations: career perspectives and opportunities for Lawyers

Why Attend?The practice of Health Law impacts everyone, from individuals seeking quality healthcare to multinational corporations navigating complex regulations. This seminar is an opportunity to gain insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of Health Law in the world. Whether you are a seasoned expert or new to the field, this event will provide you with valuable knowledge, networking opportunities, and a platform to discuss critical issues.

It's your chance to:

  • Stay Informed: The healthcare sector is dynamic, with new challenges and opportunities arising constantly. Be at the forefront of legal trends and updates that affect the healthcare, food and technology industry.
  • Network: Connect with legal experts, healthcare professionals, and advocates from around the globe. Share experiences, strategies, and insights in an enriching environment.
  • Make an Impact: Your involvement can contribute to the evolution of Health Law worldwide. Learn about practical solutions, strategies, and initiatives that promote justice and equity.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this international gathering. Join us in São Paulo for the Health Law event of the year!

Register now!

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