
Organisé par
UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats - International Association of Lawyers)
juin 2021
juin 2021


UIA is excited to offer the world’s lawyers a new annual landmark event, the UIAMidyear! Our first UIAMidyear will take place June 7-10, 2021.

UIAMidyear2021 will focus on global business networking and information exchange over the course of 4 days. Attendees will be able to select from a wide variety of activities, amounting to 24 hours of sessions:• 12th UIA Annual Business Law Forum (4 x 2 hours)New regulations and recent legal developments deriving from Covid-19 situation: temporary or here to stay? How legislators around the world have addressed new challenges arising from Covid-19The different commissions involved in the UIA Business Law Forum - BLF will discuss recent legal developments and analyze the new regulations introduced by national and supranational entities aimed to tackle the new challenges arising from the new Covid-19 situation. The commissions will review the different regulations enacted by different jurisdictions to minimize the problems created by the pandemic and will compare approaches adopted in the relevant jurisdictions and their results. It will also be analyzed whether or not some of these new measures will outlast the pandemic and how they can improve the different business law practices.• Technology Day dealing with Technological Best Practices and Technology Driven Marketing (4 hours)• Language Forums (5 hours)• Regional Forums (4 hours)• Speed Networking with an emphasis on business promotion and referrals (2 hours)• Get Together (1 hour)See the complete programme here.

The UIAMidyear presents an unmatched opportunity to stay in touch with your fellow lawyers from all over the world. During these unprecedented times when we are all looking for new business ideas and closer and more direct contact with our colleagues, both personally and professionally, UIAMidyear2021 offers you the opportunity to enhance your business “smarts”, expand your network, make new contacts, and strengthen old ones.

Registration for this premier networking event is available at a cost of € 185 for UIA members and € 245 for non-members.

Register here!